Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship

Wharton Alumni Relations is excited to bring you the next faculty webinar offered to our Wharton alumni community. Registration is open a week early, EXCLUSIVELY to members of the Wharton Global Clubs Network and Wharton Fund donors. If you are not already a member of our club, we encourage you to join and take advantage of this valuable benefit. 



 Wednesday, November 7, 2018

 12 p.m.ET


Pre-registration is available to members of Wharton Clubs. Register today, by following the appropriate link below:

WHARTON ALUMNI: https://cessna.wharton.upenn.edu/webinarseries/webinar.php?event=105&title=webinar-110718

NON-WHARTON ALUMNI: https://whartonalumniaffairs.wufoo.com/forms/wharton-webinar-series-with-ethan-mollick/

About this session:


Join Professor Ethan Mollick as he presents the latest research from Wharton in the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship. In this webinar, participants will learn about innovative approaches that use empirical evidence to challenge common beliefs of entrepreneurship.